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테그포럼에서 여러분께 도움이 되고자 놀러왔습니다~

원문은 일단 여기 있습니다.


제가 예전에 처음 입문 시계로 오메가의 정보를 찾던중 알게 된 사이트입니다. (타임포럼 회원여러분은 다 아실것 같습니다.^^;)


이 글을 쓰신분은 미국에 거주중인데, 미국의 오버홀과 점검 및 서비스가 형평없다는 것이 공공연한 사실이라고 합니다.

그래서 이분은 직접 스위스 본사로 보내서 오버홀과 수리를 받았는데, 완전 대만족 했다는 내용인데요.

회원분들 편의를 위해서 일단 주요부분만 해석해놨습니다. 오역은 너그럽게 용서해 주세욧!^^ 


As this was to be my first experience with Omega service, I decided to do a little background research.  I'd already decided based on testimonials I'd read that I wanted to send my watch directly to Omega's service department in Bienne Switzerland, and not here in the US.  I've read absolutely glowing reviews about the Bienne Service Center, and horrible testimonials of service experience with the US based centers.  My first step was to dispatch an E-Mail to Omega via their customer service section of their company website (www.omega.ch) detailing my problems, and requesting instructions for how to send my watch directly to Bienne.  I also sent long time Omega fan Keith Dowling an E-Mail asking for his advice on how to proceed, given that he's been through the process.  About a day after I sent Omega the initial E-Mail, I received the following instructions:


이것이 나의 오메가 서비스를 받는 첫번째 경험인 만큼, 나는 약간의 조사를 실시하기로 하였다. 나는 이미 미국이 아닌 스위스 비엔에 있는 오메가 서비스 부서로 직접 나의 시계를 보내기로 마음을 먹었다. 비엔 서비스센터의 좋은  리뷰를 읽었고, 미국에 서비스 센터의 심각한 서비스 상태를 읽었다. 나의 첫번째 단계는 오메가 본사 사이트 (www.omega.ch)의 고객서비스센터 섹션에다가 내 시계의 문제점과 어떻게 내가 비엔으로 직접 시계를 보내야할것인지를 적어서 이메일을 보냈다. 나는 그리고 이것을 어떻게 진행해야하는지, 이미 이것을 경험해본 오랫동안 오메가 팬인  Keith Dowling 씨에게 이메일을 보냈다. 하루가 나서 오메가에게 메일을 보냈고 다음과 같은 방법이 도착했다.

Dear Mr Holbrook,

We thank you for your message regarding your two Omega watches. We shall gladly take care of your watches and suggest that you send them to our Customer Service in Bienne at the following address:


Customer Service

Rue Staempfli 96

2500 Bienne 4


Phone: 032 / 343 9561

Fax: 032 / 343 9855

The parcel should be sent by registered and insured mail, together with a "certificate of registration" form no CF 4455, which can be obtained at any Customs Office, to avoid difficulties upon the re-importation to your country. Please make sure that your parcel is clearly marked "watches for repair/customs clearing by receiver in Bienne, Switzerland".  NOTE FROM AUTHOR:  I asked the post office about form CF 4455 and they'd never heard of it.  I DID NOT fill out the form and experienced no problems as a result.


소포는 registered and insured 가 되어 있어야 하며 no CF 4455 certificate of registration 양식과 보내야 합니다.

이것은 어디든지 고객사무실에서 얻어질수 있습니다. 당신의 나라에 다시 역수입(? 그러니까 세금떄문인것 같습니다)을 피하기 위해

반드시 소포에 [스위스 비엔의 수리/청소 되기 위하여 당담자에게 갈 시계]라고 적어주시기 바랍니다.

미국 우체국에 CF 4455가 뭐냐고 물어봤는데 자기들은 한번도 들어본적 없다고 합니다.

그래서 첨부하지않았는데 아무 문제가 없었다고 합니다. 


Upon receipt of your watches, our technicians will examine them very closely and we shall submit you our reports with all relevant details. Please be assured that we shall accord special attention to your Omega watches.

We would like to give you more details about the chronometer performances as following:

To obtain the title of "chronometer" every single watch movement must be submitted to the severe tests of the Swiss official Chronometer Control (COSC). The Swiss Norms for chronometer rating certificates are of -4/+6 seconds per day, when the watch is worn.

All Omega automatic chronometers can, however, be adjusted to a tighter rating, in order to obtain results above 0 second per day when the watch is worn.

The precision of a mechanical watch can vary from one person to another, depending upon the individual wearing conditions.

An adjustment to perform within these limits is very easy to be done through a qualified Omega watchmaker. However, before having such adjustment made, it is advisable to synchronize your watch with an official time signal and to wear it for about 15 days without re-setting it; any deviation can then be corrected.

The performance of a certified chronometer movement cannot be compared with that of a quartz movement, which has an entirely different basis, only a few mobile parts and is battery driven.

A mechanical chronometer still represents the watchmaker know-how and gives to the owner a feeling of comfort and pride to wear a timepiece representing the skill of the traditional Swiss watch making industry.

Awaiting your consignment we remain,

with kind regards,


Maria Mastrodonato

Customer Service

Phone: +41 32 343 9561

Fax: +41 32 343 9855

Website: www.omega.ch


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