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Dear Sir or Madam, thank you for your e-mail.To give you an exact price for the repairs the serial-numbers of all of your watches (on the back) would be necessary because we have variations within the models.But we can give you an estimation of the repairing costs for each model:103 Ti Ar UTC approximately € 396,00UX approximately € 190,00. The replacement of the hands would cost € 60,30 if you wish the replacement of the whole set (3 hands). If you wish the replacement of just one of them, please let us know which one.656 I. The repairing costs of 656 would be approximately € 150,00.857 S UTC approximately € 179,00EZM-3 approximately € 208,00900 approximately € 398,00If you would send your watches to us we would inspect them an give you an estimate of costs that you would have to confirm.You would have to pay in advance (creditcard, paypal or money transfer) and after your payment we would start with the repairs. The repair would take up to 8 weeks after your payment.The shipping after our repair would cost € 120,00 to Korea.We recommend you to ship your watches insured with UPS to us. We hope that we could help you.If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.We are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00  p.m. Have a nice day.  Kind regardsEuphrasina MuellerCustomer service_________________________________________________________ Sinn Spezialuhren GmbH - Im Füldchen 5-7 - 60489 Frankfurt - Germany
Tel: +49 69 978414 400 - Fax: +49 69 978414 401
Commercial register Frankfurt am Main HRB 38841Chief executive officer: Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Schmidt Visit us also on our website http://www.sinn.de





103 Ti Ar UTC approximately € 396,00

UX approximately € 190,00

 656 would be approximately € 150,00.

857 S UTC approximately € 179,00

EZM-3 approximately € 208,00

900 approximately € 398,00


900은 없지만 제 최종 타겟이기에 넣어봅니다 ㅎㅎㅎ


 이지엠이 857 보다 비싼게 흠이라면 흠..


103은 크로노에 utc 인지라. ㅡ,. ㅡ..



900 빼고 현제 보유중인 시계 1500원 환산하면  1,684,500원..


캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬캬!!!! 물론 아르곤 충전에 드라이캡슐교체비 포함이겠죠... 문의는 오버홀시 받는 모든 서비스의 가격을 문의한건데 제대로 전달된지는 모르겠네요..


900 까지 한다치면 2,281,500 시계하나 사겠구나........................


걍 국내에서 아르곤 포기하고 오버홀 하는게 맘편하겠죠.?..



18만원... 왕복이니 36마넌.. UX 는 짤없이 보내야하는데 ㄷㄷㄷ 8주걸린다니 2개월 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


이건 두고두고 고민해봐야겠네요 ㅋㅋ


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