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Laco 무브 정리.. ETC(기타브랜드)

미리내80 855  공감:4 2014.04.01 17:09


요즘 라코가 쇼핑몰에 많이 검색 되던데, 그 이유가 2014년 부터  국내 정식 런칭이 되었다고 하네요.

전 지난 달에 해외 직구로 구매하였는데, AS를 떠나서 좋은 현상이라고 생각 합니다.

국내 정식 유통 업체는 "(주)아이리스커머스" 이네요.

Laco의 경우 무브가 자사 표기 기준으로 되어 있어서, 라코 구매시 도움 되시라고 아래와 같이 무브 정리표를 공유 드립니다.

(링크는 https://shop.laco.de/en/News.html )

In order to emphasize the identity of the brand LACO and to meet our customers quality-requirements, the mechanical movements have been labelled consistently as part of our development.

The LACO engraving on the rotor and the bridge gives a LACO watch its high precision quality seal “Made In Germany”. Additional finetuning of the chronometry by our watchmakers perfects each LACO timepiece.

Consequently we have renamed our movements, which are limited to the well known brandnames ETA, Sellita and Miyota.

LACO 01 = ETA 2801.2
LACO 04 = ETA 2804.2
LACO 15 = Miyota 9015
LACO 21 = Miyota 821A
LACO 24 = ETA 2824.2 or SW200
LACO 50 = ETA 7750
LACO 92 = ETA 2892A2
LACO 97 = ETA 6497
LACO 98 = ETA 6498

Our experienced watchmakers as well as strict quality control insure LACO quality at the highest level.

추가로 해외 포럼에서 가져온 라코 무브에 대한 답변으로는 기본 무브에서 큰 변경 사항은 없다고 하니 참조 바랍니다. (2013/5월)

(링크 : http://forums.watchuseek.com/f367/difference-between-laco-04-movement-eta-2804-movement-862188.html#post6336538 )


sorry for not posting earlier, I was out the office until today.

Started from the point, that Laco will release some new models with decorated Swiss movements, blue screws and Logo on the rotor or bridge, we made the decision to give this movements a new name like Laco 50 or Laco 04.

But in fact, that this movements are based on the same movement ( ETA 7750 for example) as we use for other existing models, we decide to engrave our Name on all mechanical movements which we are using. And name them Laco movements, to have a standardized nomenclature.
If you find some mechanical watches in our collection with Miyota or ETA movement, that is why this watches will be sold out in the near future and not be reproduced again.

All mechanical Laco movements are based on Japan or Swiss movements, they all have a high quality control before assembling and after assembling to deserve the name Laco.
All movements have to pass our quality standard, no question about that, so it does not matter from which supplier in Japan or Switzerland they are from.


다들 즐거운 시계 생활 하시길 바랍니다.


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