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올 해  Celebrity Fight Night의 guest of honor인 Muhammad Ali에게 헌정하는  “ONE OUT OF ONE” model 입니다.

이미 IWC 포럼에는 소개가 되었죠. ^^

아래는 IWC blog의 원문입니다.

The big night is almost upon us: Celebrity Fight Night 2012 is March 24 and we can’t wait. Beyond the celebrities, athletes, musical performances, and glamour of the evening — there is also the one and only Muhammad Ali as guest of honor. 

Over the past 17 years this event has raised $70 million for the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center at Barrow Neurological Institute, and IWC is proud to participate for such a worthy cause. This year’s event auction includes a one of a kind IWC Big Pilot Watch, crafted in white gold. The piece has red accents, a nod to Ali’s red boxing gloves and one of his favorite colors. It is also engraved with Ali’s signature and the notation “ONE OUT OF ONE”, truly distinguishing it’s uniqueness.



이러한 에디션이 있다는 문화는 멋지다고 생각합니다. ^^

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