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Patrouille Suisse (the aerobatic team of the Swiss Air Force) 에 헌정하는 special edition 입니다.


300개 한정판이고 스위스에서만 구입 가능 하다는군요. :-)


참고로, 1994년에는 창설 30주년 기념으로 Mark XII가 30개 (혹은 29개) 한정판으로 제작된 기록도 있습니다.


sandblast된 case가 멋스럽습니다.


--- 원문


IWC Schaffhausen pays tribute to the great flying skills of the Patrouille Suisse with a special edition.
As Swiss ambassadors in the sky the pilots of the jet aerobatic team inspire an audience of millions throughout Europe with their precise formation flying.

The watch manufacturer IWC Schaffhausen, which produces pilot's watches since 1936 dedicates the Pilot's Watch Chronograph Edition Patrouille Suisse to the acrobats of the Swiss Air Force.
The model is limited to 300 pieces and will be available exclusively at Swiss retailers.

Highlight of this special edition is the unique sandblasted stainless steel case in beamless grey.









아래는 1994년 출시된... Mark XII - Commemorative for the 30th anniversary of the Patrouille Suisse, the aerobatic team of the Swiss Air Force.



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