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타임포럼에 가끔 들러 좋은 글 보고 가는 사람입니다.

얼마 전에 이베이를 통해 시계를 구입했는데 엊그제 가품으로 판명나서 엄청난 멘붕에 빠져 있습니다.

사건의 개요는 이러합니다.

1. 1월 말 경 이베이를 통해 브라이틀링 크로노맷 에볼루션을 구입했습니다. 제가 본 사진 상으로는 진품인 것 같아

페이팔을 통해 결제했고, 판매자 역시 진품이라고 description에 적어놨기에 의심없이 물건을 2월 초에 받았습니다.

보증서는 없는 상태였습니다.

2. 갖고 있는 시계가 몇 개 돼서 잘 차지 않다가 4월 말에 브레이슬릿에 바넷봉이 빠져서 청담 브라이틀링 CS센터를 방문했습니다.

바넷봉 교체와 함께 내부점검도 의뢰했습니다.

3. 3일 후, CS센터에서 '이 제품은 Breitling이 만든 제품이 아니다' 라는 연락을 받았습니다. 내부와 외부 모두 가품이라고 엔지니어가

결론내렸습니다. 물론 가품이므로 바넷봉 교환 및 일체의 서비스는 받지 못했습니다.

4. 이베이 dispute 기간이 지나 페이팔 case open을 통해 seller에게 '한국 CS 센터에서 네가 판매한 시계가 가품으로 판명났다. refund 해라' 라는

메시지를 보냈습니다. 처음엔 자기가 판매한 제품에 문제가 있었다면 미안하다는 메시지를 보내더니 갑자기 태도가 돌변하여

자기가 구입한 사이트(propertyroom.com)는 믿을만한 사이트고, 그들이 발행한 서류가 있어 그것을 페이팔 측에 제출하면 네가 이기기 힘들거다' 라는 식의

응답을 하고 있습니다. 게다가 판매자는 제가 수리를 의뢰한 이유가 시계가 고장났기 때문 아니냐고 물으면서,

자기가 발송한 상태 그대로 자기에게 시계를 보내기 전까지는 refund는 없다고 말하고 있습니다.

5. 청담 CS센터에 의뢰한 제품이 가품이라는 문서를 써 줄 수 있느냐는 문의를 했더니 한국 브라이틀링에서는 진가품과 관련한

어떠한 형태의 문서도 발급하지 않는다고 말했습니다. 단, 제가 의뢰했던 데이터는 남아있어 수리 거부 사유는 다시 들을 수 있었습니다. 

이상이 사건의 개요입니다.

이런 일이 처음인지라 엄청난 멘붕에 빠져있어 손이 부들부들 떨릴 지경입니다.

아직 case escalate는 하지 않았고, 기한은 5월 31일입니다.

염치 없지만, 선배님들께 몇 가지 여쭙고 도움을 요청드리고자 이렇게 글을 올렸습니다.

1. 페이팔에서 case escalate 하여 이 시계가 가품이다 라고 페이팔 측에 주장하면 seller가 진품임을 입증해야 하는지요?

   아니면 제가 이 제품이 가품이라는 것을 먼저 증명해야 하는지요?

2. 공식 CS에서 증명서 발급을 하지 않는다면, 제가 이 제품이 가품이라는 사실을 증명하기 위해 어떤 방식을 취할 수 있는지요?

3. 혹시 저와 비슷한 일을 겪으신 선배님이 계신다면 마지막에 페이팔에 제 손을 들어줄 가능성이 얼마나 있는지 아시는 분이 계시는지요?

조그만 도움이라도 주신다면, 어려운 일 해결하는 데 큰 힘이 될 듯 합니다.

도와주시면 감사하겠습니다.


아래에 짧은 영어 덕분에 머리에 쥐나면서 판매자와 주고 받은 메시지 전문 올립니다.


From Buyer -

5/11/2015 08:01 PDT


I purchsaed seller's item, Breitling Evolution Chronomat SS Black Dial on jan,29. When I visited official dealer's customer service center, they said that this watch is not genuine. So I sent seller a message that I want seller to give me a full refund.

(I cannot but choose "Entirely different item" because there is no fitted option in "the item significantly not as described")

2. But he replied as following through ebay message.

"I don't know what that document says because it is not in english. I am sorry that you are having a problem with the watch. I purchased that watch from a nationally known seller that is regulated by the government. I will contact them and let them know your findings. Please give me a few days to see what they want to do to rectify this situation. If this watch is truly non authentic by all means you will receive a refund."

3. So I sent a message to him again as follwing.

"Thanks. I've got your message. According to your message, It's pity that you seems to be deceived by previous seller. However, that problem is just between you and the dealer from whom you bought the watch. I purchased the watch from you and now it is identified as not-genuine by official dealer of Brietling. So I don't need to wait for some days. If the dealer from whom you bought the watch says that it is genuine, aren't you going to refund to me? Absolutely, that is not matter between you and I, with only you. The official A/S center of Brietling in South Korea rejected to fix the watch because it is not genuine. Immediately, proceed with full refund as soon as you check this message. Unless, I will open the case through eBay Money Back Guarantee program."

4. Until now, he hasn't sent any message.

So I open the case of dispute using Paypal.

plz help me.

best regards

SIDNEY NICOLAS denied OOO's request for a $2,565.95 USD refund.

5/11/2015 20:32 PDT


5/11/2015 20:32 PDT

According to your statement

about the watch you have sent

it out for repairs. I will not

refund you for a broken watch

especially since you have not

sent it back to me. If you

would to receive a refund then

please send it back to me.


5/11/2015 20:37 PDT

This watch was purchased originally through Propertyroom.com. I'm sure if I send the authentication documents they have on file for the watch to Paypal and your credit card company they will deny your claim. I told you that if they can't confirm its authentication to me then you will receive a refund. I have been a seller and buyer on Ebay for many years and have never had any problem such as this. I hope the watch is in the same condition as it was sent to you so that we can expedite this in a timely fashion.

From Buyer -

5/11/2015 23:47 PDT

You sold overt imitation watch.

It turned out that the official CS center of Brietling in South Korea declined repairs.

If the watch is authentic, the official CS center of Breitling all over the world never decline any services at any cases.

The situation in which the official CS center of Breitling declines is only that the watch is not authentic.

I think that I don't know and I don't need to know whether 'Propertyroom.com' is reliable shopping site or not.

To remind you again, That is the problem between You and 'Propertyroom.com', not me.

If you proved that the watch has been authentic, you would give me the paper about authenticity when you shipped the watch to me.

You, however, haven't sent any authetic certificate, so that I cannot but think that you deceive me.

The reason why I went to the official CS center of Breitling is not mechanical problem (including movement) but falling out a link-pin of one part of bracelet.

I requested to replace it to the official center of Breitling and they said they couldn't replace it because the watch is not genuine.

I'm sure there is no damages except a link-pin. In addition the condition of the watch is same as you sold.

Like you, I have transacted many times, but there is no case like this time.

I will send you the watch. If the watch is authentic, give me or show me certificate (paper) which the official CS center of Breitling in your country issues.

I verify the certificate you will give through the official CS center of Breitling in South Korea.

If it is verified, I will accept your insistence that you cannnot refund.

If not, you must refund all money adding return shipping cost from me to you.

Plz give me address you can receive the watch.

From Buyer -

5/12/2015 00:58 PDT

I talked with Breitling CS center Korea again, the engineer told me that your watch is fake entirely.

Breitling Korea does not issue any certificate for watch genuinity but Korean CS center has the data relating to your watch still.

If you want, you can confirm genuinity of your watch from Breitling Korea. However, I'm sure it is of no use to do that.

Let you know the phone number of CS center.

+82 2 3448 2040

You can get the information about your fake watch from the engineer.

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