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댓글 14
2010.05.30 14:30
2010.05.30 14:32
천안함 침몰 시킨 어뢰가 독일 거라는 건가요... 오호라..미국이 베트남 전쟁을 정당화 시키기 위해 자작한 통킹만 사건을 예를 들면서 아주 클래식한 혼자 북치고 장구치고 같다고 하는군요. -
2010.05.30 15:36
jubyjuby님 대단하십니다~!! 짧으면 한번 해볼까 봤었는데 도무지 엄두가 안나더군요... -
2010.05.30 15:56
한번 도와드릴까 하다가 동영상이 안나와서..ㅠㅠ죄송합니다 -
2010.05.30 16:46
저도 소리가 하나도 들리지 않아요^^;;; -
2010.05.30 17:47
juby님...지존.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ지존이십니다으아. 저도 엄두를 못냈습니다 으억. -
2010.05.30 17:52
아오 일단 듣고왔는데 저는 한 7~80프로밖에못알아듣겠네요ㅜㅜ juby님 다시 너무 대단하시다는 생각에 또 댓글남깁니다. 최고 으억 -
2010.05.30 18:26
비니비니님.. 70~80%를 알아들으셨다는 것 자체가 염장이십니다..^^;; -
2010.05.30 19:31
주비주비님... 감사합니다. 역시나 대단하십니다. 독해는 제가 알아서 하겠습니다. 감사합니다. -
2010.05.30 19:43
미국이 베트남 전쟁에 공식적으로 참전하게 된 계기가 바로 통긴만 사태(북베트남의 잠수정 3대가 미국 구축함을 공격한 사건) 때문입니다.
물론 나중에 통긴만 사태는 미국의 자작극으로 판명되었습니다.
천안함 사태도 비슷한 상황이란 말이듯 싶네요...
요 방송을 내보낸 방송사의 인지도는 얼마나 되는지 알고 계신 분 있으세요? -
2010.05.30 20:27
결론적으로, 천안함 사태는 미국의 전형적인 쌩쑈라는 내용이네요.
이 방송은 러시아 인터넷 방송인것 같은데.. 저는 처음 봅니다 ㅎㅎ -
2010.05.30 23:45
음 RTamerica라는 방송인데.. 처음 듣는군요 ㅎㅎ -
2010.05.31 07:45
미국에 있는 러시아 인터넷 방송입니다. RT는 Russia Today의 약자일겁니다. ^^ -
2010.05.31 10:48
와~~~ 정말 대단하신분들이군여 ㅡ,.ㅡ 영어는 꼬부랑 글씨라는 느낌이라...
---- just didn't add up.
battleship sinks, fingers point to one's source, tensions escalated, wars was aminence
I am not talking about the recent attack on south korea battleship that sparked that caused the neighbors to North,
but one that happened fifty years ago, but the two stories have striking similarities.
now new intelligence says, sinking of the ---- was a false flag.
is there truth to this? is there truth to new this end.
Joining to to disscuss a bit more investigation of Jounalist Artic countributor Wayne Mattson
thanks so much joing us, as mentioned, gulf of Tonkin, august 1986
two seperate incidences, one did take place, second incidents we later fount out it was ----
are we seeing similar actions take place right now? in between North and South Korea?
well, the indications are that the target audience for this incident off yingyang island which is part of south korea
but directly opposite north korea, that target was the Japanese government, the japan center-left government was oppose to
U.S keeping this marin base on Okinawa
and the as a result, all of the high tension all of the korean penninsula, prime minister Hatiyama has flipped
and he is allowing U.S to relocate the space in Okinawa as a result own lift in a own government the social democratic party
partner was forced to resign the colliasion.
yesterday, she was negotiating another deal with the mayor of Tedian(?) which is northern marianas
so there is a lot going on increasing tension in Korean pennisula, resulted in the U.S keeping this military prensent in Okinawa.
When the people in Okinawa want the U.S millitary gone yesterday.
well, you really mentioned what we are really trying to get to the court here and that is right
provoke of another gluf of Tonkin incident.
so Japan does play into this.
Pretty much so.
and we have to point out that South Korean president Lee Myung-Bak is a hard line right-winger, he came in office intending to
rash up the teding to North Korea. We have to look at the who benefits
it's not North Korea, the lucative trade and the economic zone that they had with the south korea has been cut off they are loosing the
hard currency, Kim Jung-il who very rarly travels, When he dose he only travels by train, went to beijing.
My sources in Beijing say that he went to beijing that the chineses authority say that north korea do this he denied.
They were satisfied as his response.
now the chinese are very suspicious of the United states tensions and rashed and things up in Korean penninsula.
I would also note that the YungYang island is also the host of the U.S South Korean Intelligence based or U.S Navy Seals present.
There is a U.S.N.S sorboir civilian navy ships were sixteen deep sea divers that happended to be on board at the same time.
the Cheon-am was sunk, by this torpedo later this was discovered to been a german manufactured,
germany says "Nope, No millitary weapons to North Korea, this thing is starting to look like a classic false flag operation."
well, let's try to look in the proceed future you will
what is the U.S going to get benefit from this and the future when we look back on this, say 10 to 20 years ahead of time
like we did with the gulf of tonkin, and say this was the prelude to whatever U.S trying to achieve as you are implying right now
well, Hopefully we are now going to see a outbreak of war of the Korean penninsula
we have to remember that there is still a technical state of war who never peace-treaty between the North and the South.
so things get of hand very very fast.
as I mentioned the chinese are looking at this very suspicously
and this comes right as a we have a new national security strategy put out by Obama who stresses lanolrism(?)
and all this nice things I think, this is same neil bomb bush policy wraped up in different wrapping paper.
There is no reason the North Korean asked for U.S embbasy in Pyeong-Yang.
We don't have one there, There is a it makes no sense to have U.S embassy in Pyeong-Yang to discuss issues.
it just makes no sense just like not to have U.S embassy in Teheran , Councilat reman and Gaza
for that matter, and I think this just goes to show that Obama ministraion playing cold-war politics
bussiness usual with them,
and seems like the medias also playing into this well. I spoke to members of congress yesterday during a vote
and wanting know their mind dealing with the Korea is a war, war, war.
so does that seem to also be a factor in this situation?
I think anything can divert the attention from the economic situation, we also have the economic issue between U.S and China.
Note that Hillary Cliton is in Beijing trying to ask Chinese authority to be tough on North Korea's issues there Timothy Geythner.
I understand, my sources in Beijing says almost like a love fest between Hillary Cliton and Geythner over Beijing.
and the Chinese authority saying, "Wait a minute, What's going on here?"
you are saying that the you want us to get tough on North Korea and there is like a gap fest going on between
Geythner and Hillary Cliton.
They are preflex and very puzzled at the U.S behavior and I think they should be.
I think this is just again, like th Gulf of Tonkin situation, just another example of the U.S. engage false flag.
I think false flags are now the way to go in a national millitary strategy.
well, that the insight investigation of Jounalist Artic countributor Wayne Mattson.
great to have you on the show as always